Sunday, November 16, 2008

FBC Community Enrichment

Flying Bicycle Creative is firmly dedicated to enriching the Bozeman community. For instance, we never steal toilet paper from public restrooms. This year, the ENTIRE COMPANY (consisting of one (1) freelance writer) rode out on the original flying bicycle for Bozeman's first sponsored Critical Mass (thanks, Bomb Snow Magazine.)

Critical Masses are events in which bicyclists more or less mob the streets for an hour, gathering straggler bikers along the way. The idea comes from China, where bikers bunch together at busy intersections without signals. When enough bikers arrive, they bravely launch en masse across the street, disrupting traffic just long enough to make it over. In a car-centric world, the only negotiating power bicyclists can get sometimes is sheer numbers.

Why do we Mass? To show that bicycling is a viable method of commuting, especially in a little town like Bozeman. It's cheap, low-emission, and good exercise. Yet, bicyclists get mowed down daily by unaware drivers (driving is not cheap, low-emission, or good exercise.) Critical Mass raises awareness that bikes are on the road.

More parade than protest, our mass featured kids in bike trailers and jogging dogs. If drivers were annoyed by being momentarily disrupted, they didn't show it: people cheered from their cars, waved, and honked ditties at us as we rode by. All in all, a victory for the two wheeled crowd.

ALSO: I stole these photos from Ryan Wilson, and I'm not sorry. Thanks, Ralph.

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